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The Complete Revision Package

Empowering GCSE students to take control of their learning

  • 5 hours
  • £330 for 1 month
  • Zoom

Service Description

Our Complete Revision Package is a month long, bespoke, 1-2-1 service that empowers our students to take control of their learning. The package includes: The coaching process - 4.5 hours of 1-2-1 expert coaching from an individual your teenager looks ups to. This process only works if your teenager wants to engage and thus we have only hired the most relatable, personable and capable coaches. The coaching sessions are split into 4 sessions, covering topics such as confidence, distraction, psychology, revision timetabling (we collaboratively compose a timetable your teenager actually buys into) , strategic revision tips and tricks (moving beyond random flash cards and mindless past papers) and mindset. Continuing support - We know there will be bad days and we also know that the first few weeks are the most important in forming a new habit. Therefore we have structured our package to include check ins to provide accountability to your teenager and to troubleshoot any issues in real time. Strategic Resources - We have created a bank of strategic videos and notes that will will save your teenager upwards of 50 hours, significant effort, and improve their organisation. The Teenager Satisfaction Guarantee - We know that teenagers are sometimes hesitant to start our package. Many students have been disadvantaged through unrelatable teaching that lacks a much needed strategic and personalised focus. This has led to demotivation and despondence which understandably leads teenagers to be sceptical of our package. We are so confident that our package will prove valuable that we will give you all of your money back if your teenager does not tell you in their own words "that was really good." (And we all know hard teenagers can be to please!)

Contact Details


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