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The ILS Revision Masterclass

We teach parents & students how to revise strategically

97 British pounds

Service Description

This service is designed to cut away the fluff and teach parents and students, in equal measure, how they should approach revision to get more marks in less time. For the price of 1 tutoring session - we are going to give you specific, exam focused and strategic advice that you haven’t encountered before. We feel parents are all too often left out of the loop, encountering revision advice second hand which is why we wanted to make this service is just as much for them as it is for teenagers. You will receive: - Access to 2 live webinars which we run once a month respectively. - 6 hours of recorded content where our co-founders go into more depth on various elements relating to effective revision and utilising your mindset. - Our Strategic Revision Guide PDF as well as our revision timetabling and memorisation templates. - A completely free 1 on 1 taster session with one of our revision coaches should you wish to pursue some support to ensure your teenager implements these strategies in a highly personalised way. You can purchase access to our next masterclass at the following link. Additionally, all purchases are fully refundable, subject to Ts & Cs, if you believe the service did not meet your expectations.

Contact Details


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